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Business Meeting



“creative process that sets in motion”

At Tell NP, we believe that co-development is a good way to create communities of interests based on real life issues or situations that professionals can encounter in their careers. We are convinced that "sharing is caring" has never been as true as nowadays. In co-development sessions we help you to find the best solutions for professional challenges with peers

The first session was dedicated to HR professionals IN FRENCH.  Contact us if you would like us to organize a session for your company / team. Véronique Blanc-Brude (Poulet)


- Peers interactions, develop Communication skills

- Gain clarity & confidence

- Through collective intelligence, find answers to questions or situations experienced in the professional context.A

Business meeting
Plan d'affaires

Proposal of an experienced situation, topical and you are involved in personally. It can be a Problem, a Concern or a Project. 


1. Each member proposes a situation for the session. Only one is picked by the group.

2. Presentation of the subject by the member.


3. Clarification with the facilitator and the participants.

4. Consultation: The other members (the consultants) react and advise. 

5. The "Client" of the session draws up an action plan.

6. Summary.

Travailler ensemble
réunion d'affaires

- Peer group of 6 participants maximum

- Online sessions of 2 hours via Google meet except the last (depending on health context and latest regulations)


· 1st free discovery session


· Full-cycle commitment

· Launch Offer: Total cost excluding VAT: CHF 1'075 instead of CHF 1'625

Véronique Blanc-Brude

Facilitator in co-development


With a hybrid HR / Business Development profile and trained in Change management, I worked for nearly 20 years in different sectors of activity contributing to the empowerment of professionals. From various countries and sectors, I have navigated between strategic vision and operational implementation. As a true "transformative agent", I have helped to increase the rate of project implementation by spreading a culture of innovation and fostering the desire to change. Being a permanent learner and after a first part of my career, I recently changed my approach, started a "second life" and am a PhD student for the next 3 years in the doctoral schools of IAE and the Polytechnic of Grenoble (France ). Immersed in different industries, I will study hyper-competitiveness and how to initiate digital transformation by relying on new socio-technical approaches. 


(Thesis title: Humans, keystone of Industry 4.0: a framework common for HRM and Industrial Engineering on the digitization of factories).

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